I craft thoughtful and intuitive digital experiences.

Karan Kowshik — UI/UX & Product Designer — Bangalore, India

I'm the creative force behind BETSOL's design team, where I specialize in turning complex concepts into user-friendly solutions. I champion designs that connect emotionally and functionally with users. Think we can collaborate? Let's chat.

Selected work

Arise® Platform

Transforming a complicated and low-trust registration process into a seamless and secure user experience.

  • Registration conversion rate improved by 63%.
  • Reduced annual advertising expenses by approximately $2.5 million.
  • Streamlined the registration process to be much simpler
Arise® Platform

Zmanda Partner Portal

Building a seamless experience for Zmanda Partners and Resellers

  • Automated Partner onboarding and deal registration
  • 85% improvement in lead conversion after launch of Partner Portal
  • Onboarded more than 30 Zmanda partners
Zmanda Partner Portal


From idea to launch: Shiping a endpoint-backup SaaS product in less than two years.

  • Partner with Dell to white-label Sentinel and utilize it as their go-forward data management solution.
  • Ship all Dell XPS laptops in 2022 Q2 with Sentinel pre-installed.

My design process

1. Discover

Start by researching user problems and needs. This phase will include reviewing existing analytics, conducting user interviews, market research, etc., to build the foundation.

2. Define

I use the research from the first step to define a final problem statement. This phase is all about organizing all the research data acquired in step 1.

3. Develop

The goal is to iterate possible solutions for the defined problem usually with the help of sketches, wireframes and low-fidelity prototyping.

4. Deliver

Implement high-fidelity designs and collaborate closely with developers to launch the product after which we continue testing and pushing improvements.

What people say about me


"Working with Karan is always a pleasure. His knowledge in UI/UX, Web and Graphic design is impeccable. His understanding of development and feasibility makes it extremely easy to develop the designs created by him. His career growth, awards, clients and portfolio speak for itself."

G Sriram

Software Development Engineer - II


"Karan is an exceptional UI and UX engineer with a strong design sense. I have had the pleasure to work with him on several projects and I have found him to be extremely dedicated and forthcoming in bringing industry-leading concepts and transforming them into real world experiences."

Gaurav Raj

Co-founder, Gokion


"I admire Karan's design thinking. Karan has the best qualities of a mentor, he always ensures that he shares with others what he knows and brings out the best in his teammates. Under his leadership, our team was able to solve critical design and UX problems and streamline solutions to deliver quality experiences to customers. He is approachable and fun to work with and there's never a bad day in the office when he's around."

Srigovind Nayak

Senior Software Engineer


"Karan's meticulous work ethic and passion for design are inspiring. He crafts elegant, intuitive interfaces with a deep understanding of design systems and customer needs. His customer-centric approach ensures every design serves a purpose. Karan spearheaded the development of our company's website, which resulted in an increase in conversions. His technical knowledge and ability to motivate the team were crucial to its success. His transition to UI/UX lead was remarkable. He strategically built BETSOL's design framework, empowering the team to create seamless user experiences."

Madhumitha Lakshamanan

Head of Content & Digital Strategy


"Karan is an incredibly astute individual with a knack for design. He is keen to learn and implement new techniques and is a very swift learner. I have learnt more from him in 2 years about design than I ever had before."

Mayur L S

Senior UX Designer | UX Mentor


"Couldn’t have represented our brand better. Love it!"


Co-founder, Tryah Pottery